Phone Number : 260-797-6421
Email Address:
Year First Certified: 2015
Certification Number: B6H8B6K4
Service State & Counties: Indiana -Madison,Hamilton,Clinton,Hancock,Tipton,Boone,Hendricks,Rush,Putnam,Johnson,Marion,Shelby,Morgan,Fayette,Henry,Porter,Lake,Jasper,La Porte,Newton,Marshall,Kosciusko,Elkhart,St Joseph,Lagrange,Noble,Huntington,Allen,DeKalb,Adams,Wells,Whitley,Miami,Carroll,Grant,Wabash,Dearborn,Ripley,Ohio,Vermillion
Legal disclaimer and terms of use: Phlebnet is a software and a public online directory provider and is not responsible for any claims made by the phlebotomy service provider, their qualifications, or service quality. All service details, including pricing and payment arrangements, are to be handled directly with the phlebotomy service provider. Phlebnet does not employ, contract, or otherwise regulate the services of the phlebotomy service providers.